


Dental Implants have revolutionized dentistry, offering a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution to missing teeth. And where better to receive this transformative treatment than in Antalya, not only famous for its breathtaking landscapes and fascinating history but also for its world-class medical facilities?
Dental Implants in Antalya and across Turkey are performed by highly experienced professionals utilizing cutting-edge technology, ensuring you leave with a smile that's not only beautiful but also healthy
Let's dive in to understand better what dental implants are and how they could be the perfect solution for you.




What is a Dental Implant?


Dental implants represent a leap forward in the field of restorative dentistry. They offer a permanent solution to missing teeth, providing a robust and natural-looking replacement almost indistinguishable from the real thing.
So, what exactly are dental implants?

Essentially, a dental implant is a small titanium post that's surgically inserted into your jawbone. This post serves as the new root for the artificial tooth, securely anchoring it in place. Over time, the implant fuses with the surrounding bone in a process known as osseointegration, offering unrivaled stability and strength.


Types of Dental Implants


There are several types of dental implants, each suitable for different clinical situations.

1.  Single Tooth Implants: As the name suggests, these replace a single missing tooth. A single artificial tooth is attached to one implant, providing a replacement that closely matches the appearance and functions of a natural tooth.


2.  All-on-4 Implants: This type of implant is used when you've lost several or all of your teeth. In this procedure, four implants are placed in the jaw, and a full arch of teeth is attached. This procedure is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time than traditional implant procedures.


3.     All-on-6 Implants:Similar to All-on-4 implants, this method uses six implants to support a full arch of teeth. Because more implants are used, there is often a greater level of stability, which can make this a good option for patients with more extensive bone loss.


4.     Zygoma Implants:When patients have severe bone loss in the upper jaw, traditional implants may not be possible. In these cases, zygoma implants are opted for. These implants are longer than traditional ones and are anchored into the cheekbone (zygomatic bone) rather than the jawbone, providing a secure foundation for attaching a full arch of artificial teeth.




Why people choose dental implants over other options? Benefits


Dental implants offer numerous advantages over other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges. These include:

· Natural look and feel: With dental implants, you can enjoy a new tooth that looks and feels just like a natural one. The artificial tooth is custom-made to match the color and shape of your surrounding teeth, making it virtually indistinguishable.

· Improved oral health: Unlike bridges, which require the adjacent teeth to be ground down for support, dental implants do not affect your natural teeth, therefore preserving their integrity and promoting long-term oral health.

· Long-lasting: With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime. Made of durable materials dental implants can withstand the daily wear and tear of chewing and speaking.

· Convenient: Unlike dentures, which must be removed for cleaning, dental implants can be cared for just like natural teeth. You can brush and floss them as normal, which makes it an easy addition to your oral hygiene routine.



Potential Risks


As with any surgical procedure, dental implants also come with potential risks and complications. These can include infection at the implant site, injury or damage to surrounding structures such as other teeth or blood vessels, nerve damage that could result in pain or numbness in your natural teeth, gums, lips, or chin, and sinus problems when dental implants placed in the upper jaw protrude into one of your sinus cavities. It's also possible for the implant to fail to integrate with the bone, which could require removal and replacement. However, it's important to note that these risks are relatively rare, and dental implant surgery is generally considered safe and predictable when performed by a trained, skilled dental specialist.



Why to choose Dental Implants Turkey?


Choosing Dental Implants in Turkey comes with a host of advantages.

Quality Treatment: Turkey, and Antalya in particular, is renowned for its top-tier medical facilities and highly skilled dentists. You can rest assured that you will be receiving quality treatment comparable to what you'd find in leading medical countries.

Affordability: Compared to many Western countries, dental procedures in Turkey are significantly more affordable without compromising the quality of treatment. This cost-effectiveness also extends to dental implants, making Turkey an attractive destination for those seeking dental restoration.

Advanced Technology: Turkish dental clinics are equipped with the latest technology, ensuring precision and efficiency in every procedure.

Tourism Opportunities: While in the country for your treatment, you can also explore its rich history, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant culture. The pleasant climate and warm hospitality add to the overall experience, making your journey to a healthier smile and also a memorable vacation.

Convenience: Many clinics offer comprehensive treatment packages that not only include the procedure but also accommodation, transfers, and even tours, providing a smooth and hassle-free experience.




Best Dentist for Dental Implants in Turkey - Tips


When seeking the best dentist for dental implants in Turkey, here are some essential factors to consider:

Credentials and Qualifications: Ensure the dentist has all the required qualifications and is licensed to practice in Turkey. Dentists specialized in implantology will have additional, specific training.

Experience and Expertise: A dentist with extensive experience in performing dental implant surgeries will be more likely to yield better results. Look for a dentist who specializes in dental implants and has a good track record.

Patient Reviews: Look at online reviews and testimonials from former patients. These can provide insight into the dentist's quality of care and patient satisfaction.

Technology and Equipment: Advanced dental technology can increase the precision and quality of dental implant placement. Check if the clinic uses up-to-date equipment like 3D imaging.

Cost: While cost should not be the only factor in choosing a dentist, it's important to ensure the pricing is transparent and reasonable. Keep in mind a higher price does not always guarantee better service, and a low price could mean cutting corners.

Aftercare Services: Post-operative care is crucial in dental implant surgery. Ensure the dentist provides proper aftercare services and is reachable for post-surgery queries or complications.



Frequently Asked Questions answered by Dr. Onur Ademhan


Below are some common queries about dental implants, along with their answers.

1. How long does the implant treatment take?

The duration of dental implants can vary, depending on the patient's dental health and the complexity of the procedure required. Typically, the process can take several months, as adequate time is needed for the implant to integrate with the bone properly.

2. Is implant treatment painful?

Implant surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, and patients usually do not experience pain during the procedure.
Some mild pain and discomfort can occur post-procedure, but this is generally manageable with prescribed painkillers.

3. Can anyone receive dental implants Antalya, Turkey?

While most adults are eligible for implants provided they are in good health, however, it is vital to have sufficient bone density and meet specific health conditions. There may be additional risks for smokers and those with chronic diseases.

4. How should implants be cared for?

The care routine for implants is similar to that for natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dentist check-ups are all necessary.

5. What is the lifespan of an implant?

With proper care, implants can last many years or even a lifetime. The prosthetic teeth may need replacement over time, but the implant is designed to be a long-term solution.
Dr Onur Ademhan has been performing Dental implants in Antalya for over 10 years.

6. How much do implants cost?

The cost of implants often varies, depending on a few factors, such as the complexity of the procedure, the quality of the materials used, and geographical location. Generally, implant treatment may be more expensive than other tooth restoration methods.

7. What is the difference between implants and natural teeth?

Implants function and appear like natural teeth, but they are made of artificial materials and are integrated directly into the jawbone. Unlike natural teeth, they do not carry the risk of decay.

8. What are the potential post-implant complications?

Although rare, complications can occur post-implant, including infection, nerve damage, damage to surrounding teeth, or failed integration between the implant and the jawbone.

9. How should one prepare for implant surgery?

Before implant surgery, the patient's oral health is examined, and necessary X-rays and tomography will be conducted. A suitable treatment plan is then created, taking into account the patient's health condition and any allergies.




Dr. Onur Ademhan as a Dental Implant Surgeon?


Dr. Onur Ademhan, a highly renowned surgeon for dental implants in Antalya, Turkey, brings a wealth of experience in the field with over 10,000 implant surgeries under his belt. His expertise and precision in implantology have earned him recognition as one of the best dental implant surgeons in the region. With a tenacious commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction, Dr. Ademhan has relentlessly pursued the latest advancements in dental technology, further enhancing his surgical skills and patient outcomes. His extensive experience has not only fostered refined surgical prowess but also a comprehensive understanding of patient needs and concerns.
This patient-centric approach, along with his commendable surgical records, makes him a trusted choice for dental implants. Patients worldwide continue to seek his expertise, reinforcing his standing as a leading figure in dental implants in Antalya, Turkey.



Dental Implants At Perla Dental Clinics By Onur Ademhan:


For over 15 years, Perla Dental Clinics has been dedicated to crafting faultless, healthy smiles that will withstand the test of time.
Situated near the dazzling shores of Antalya, our state-of-the-art clinic boasts a team of highly trained specialists dedicated to helping you achieve your dream smile.

Perla Dental Clinics features a private laboratory where expert dental technicians create perfect smiles using only top-quality materials
With Perla Dental Clinics, Enjoy a small getaway in the beautiful city of Antalya while transforming your smile.
Take a confident step towards a beautiful, lasting smile. Book your consultation with Perla Dental Clinics today.




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